We migrated to a new login system in July of 2022. If you are signing in for the first time in a long while and have not reset your password by the end of 2022, your account may be inactive in our system. Please contact support@wildearth.tv for assistance.

PLEASE NOTE: You will from now on, only be able to sign in to your account with your E-MAIL address and password, NOT your username.

If by chance, once you put your email address and password in the areas and the button does not allow you to click on it or might say invalid email address and/or password, please delete the last letter of your email address on the line and then type it in again manually. This often happens when the information auto-fill is used.

You do NOT need to register a new account to become a WildEarth Explorer. Simply log in with your existing account information and then go to https://wildearth.tv/become-a-wildearth-explorer, or click on the Explorers tab in the menu.

If you do try to register and it states your email has been taken, this most likely means you already have an account on our site. If it states your username has been taken, please try and use a username that is unique to you and not something popular that someone else may already be using. If you forgot the password, you can use the ‘Forgot your password?’ option to request a password reset code. Should that not work, please send an email to support@wildearth.tv and  ask for further assistance.